Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weekly Challenge #2

For my second weekly challenge, I chose to do redo any project from a previous art class. I chose to redo Decisive Moment. I didn't like this project when I did it before. I wasn't as successful as I would have liked. 

When I redid this project, I focused on one subject, water and rocks. When I did this project before we had to also do a person and choice. So, because I was only focusing on one subject, it allowed me to take so many more photos and not worry about the requirements. 

Once I had taken all my photos, I decided I wanted to play with B&W and high contrast. So here are the three photos this weekly challenge resulted in:

I really enjoyed this weekly challenge. I was expecting it to take me only a few minutes to get all the photos I would need for decisive moment, because waves are always hitting the rocks. But, this took me a lot longer, because I quickly realized I wanted the waves to hit the rocks in a certain way.


  1. The purity of the water adds to the image even though it isn't original coloring. I like how they don't all have the same horizon line and you used different rock formations.

  2. I think that the actions shots mixed with the crispness of your photos make for great pictures. Additionally the series your photos are in, although not from the same refrence frame, make for an interesting colaboration and quality works.Very well done. <3

  3. These are so amazing! The colors really pop. good job!

  4. These are so amazing! The colors really pop. good job!

  5. These are so amazing! The colors really pop. good job!
