Concentration 2

What is the central idea of your concentration?
 The central idea for my concentration is focusing on the beauty of food and how food can be contained or progress to more chaotic and messy. The media that was used for the concentration was photography with minimal  photo manipulation. Food has become something we take for granted, so by stopping and looking at the beauty of food I was better able to reconnected with my gratitude for the simple aspect of food we consume everyday. (434) (I think I need to add more to this, maybe?)

How does the work in your concentration demonstrate the exploration of your idea? You may refer to specific images as examples. When referencing specific images, please indicate the image numbers.
The exploration of food and its beauty in this concentration is best unified by the simplistic dark backgrounds, and the light vignette throughout all the photos, as well as the general use of more earthy tones. All the food used in my concentration are more pure and less processed. I chose to have the foods be this way, because I feel that their is something beautiful in the flaws the pure and less processed foods have. For example, the peas (photo 9) had not been washed and because of that the dirt and imperfections shine through. The containment of the food only lasts for the first 3 photos. Photo 4 starts the progression towards food becoming chaotic and messy. The second row (photos 5-8) further push the idea of the food becoming more spread out. In photo 5 the pieces for a pasta dinner are all spread out, rather than beginning contained in a pot or a bowl. By the time we reach photo 8 the food has spread out, leaving a mess behind. In photo 8 I decided to use flour to show wear the watermelon had rolled, and the mess it left. Photo 12 shows the ultimate mess and chaos that food can create withe the variety of textures and goo. (1151) (NEEDS HELP :))


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