Saturday, September 28, 2013

Weekly Challenge #4-Portraiture

For this weekly challenge I drew Portraiture. I wasn't too thrilled, because I generally like photographing objects more than people, but once I was out shooting, I LOVED this weekly challenge. Some of the photos I am more proud of then others, but I wanted to showcase the variety of photos I took. I played with different angles and where the sun hit my model, Kayla.

 I like how the sun washes out the bottom right corner, so your attention is drawn to Kayla's face.
 I love the sun rays coming through the top right corner.
 For this photo, I thought turning it black and white made the eye focus more one the patterns and shape and less on the fall colors.
I love Katie and Kayla's expression and joy in this photo, I feel like this photo captured their friendship perfectly.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Project 2: 20 Layers

I really pushed myself with the 20 layers project. I am proud of what came out of the project, but I also don't love the project.

"Strength is being brave enough to take the first step of your journey... While leaving your destination to destiny." 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekly Challenge #3

For my third weekly challenge, I drew create an artwork using 2 non digital mediums. I was initially disappointed because I believe that my photography, and digital skills are much better than my fine art skills. However, I embraced this challenge, and I am proud of the art piece I created.

For this project, I used a combination of sharpies, colored pencils, and graphite. For this project I decided to draw a puzzle, with a bunch of different puzzles pieces. I like to think of puzzles as a way to represent our life, that we all fit in somewhere. I chose to blend the color with black and white because I feel that life can be full of color, but also has some darker areas that may not always be acknowledged. Finally I chose to put a quote on top of the puzzle because I feel it represents the art piece very well. We try to find the pieces that correctly balance the light and the dark aspects of our life, and sometimes we are successful and make a complete puzzle.
"Life is a giant puzzle. Everyday we struggle to find it's pieces to make it into a complete picture."

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weekly Challenge #2

For my second weekly challenge, I chose to do redo any project from a previous art class. I chose to redo Decisive Moment. I didn't like this project when I did it before. I wasn't as successful as I would have liked. 

When I redid this project, I focused on one subject, water and rocks. When I did this project before we had to also do a person and choice. So, because I was only focusing on one subject, it allowed me to take so many more photos and not worry about the requirements. 

Once I had taken all my photos, I decided I wanted to play with B&W and high contrast. So here are the three photos this weekly challenge resulted in:

I really enjoyed this weekly challenge. I was expecting it to take me only a few minutes to get all the photos I would need for decisive moment, because waves are always hitting the rocks. But, this took me a lot longer, because I quickly realized I wanted the waves to hit the rocks in a certain way.

California for the weekend :)

I am in San Diego this weekend. I have a race tomorrow; one mile swim in the ocean. So during my free time today, I created art! :)

 I found this lifeguard tower extremely interesting, it seems so out of place with the rest of the beach. However, the view behind the tower is amazing! I was also fascinate by how the tower was set off to the right between the benches and trashcans, instead of being centered.
I loved how the palm trees for a line down the beach. They are, to me, a signal that you are almost at the water.
  I loved the positioning of the bird on the rock. :)
Jumping photo+sunset photo=pretty awesome shot :) 
 I upped the contrast on this  photo because I really wanted to emphasis the outline of my sister.
The bark of this treeing had so many layers peeling off I wanted to capture this, as well as the different colors on the tree.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekly Challenge #1

For this weekly challenge, I chose "Depict Your Day: With a Multiple Panel Comic!" For this I focused on the things I define my day with. I wanted something to tie all my photos together, instead of just having 8 random photos of places I am during the day. I used the dragon, Puff, to symbolize me and where I go on any given day. So puff goes from my bed, to the bathroom, to a walk with my dog, to the car, to Speech and Debate practice, to my locker, to class, to homework, and then back to bed. I wanted it to be sort of a cycle. The photos go clockwise and then once you get to the bottom right, you can start of going in a circle.


Summer Work

For my summer artwork, I chose two photos that have drastically different tones. My first photo is more of a dark, haunting photo. Whereas the second photo is more light and cheery. The first photo, "Swing Among the Flowers", was created when I was at the Iris Farm in Boulder. I saw this swing alone in the midst of the flowers and found it kind of haunting. The second photo, "Bee", I took while on a photo adventure. This photo was taken at just the right moment before the bee took off seconds later. I think the rule of thirds, makes this photo stronger than just having the flower and bee in the middle of the photo.

"Swing Among the Flowers"