Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Concentration Photos in Progress

All you really need is the right pair of shoes. ~Cinderella
For my concentration, I chose to look at how throughout our lives, we try on different shoes, and learn how to tie our shoes, in order to become who we are later in life. In order to portray this theme, I used girls and there shoes throughout elementary, middle and high school. I feel like shoes are an item of someone's outfit that is often overlooked but can say a lot about someone.




1 comment:

  1. First off, I love the quote!!! Secondly this is a really cool idea and I love what you've done, so creative! Just some things to think about: Could the first picture be of someone even younger? Toddler, Baby? And then maybe the last be an old woman? Just some thoughts, might not be in the direction you were going but what ever :) Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!
