Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Concentration Photos in Progress

All you really need is the right pair of shoes. ~Cinderella
For my concentration, I chose to look at how throughout our lives, we try on different shoes, and learn how to tie our shoes, in order to become who we are later in life. In order to portray this theme, I used girls and there shoes throughout elementary, middle and high school. I feel like shoes are an item of someone's outfit that is often overlooked but can say a lot about someone.




Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekly Challenge #8-Opposite

I really enjoyed the opposite challenge. It took me while to figure out how I wanted to approach this, but once I did, it was really easy! I enjoyed the initial stretch to think outside the box and learn a new technique. I had no idea how to take an HDR photo, so I looked it up online and looked at tons of examples. Then when I was taking photos with Sadie for my concentration, I saw this building and decided to use it as my opposite. ENJOY :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Silk Painting

My silk painting, I am really proud of how it turned out. This is like the first fine art thing I am proud of this year. :) 

Based on the AP Rubric I would give myself a 4 because of
4.A The work shows a good investigation of a variety of 2-D design principles
4.D The work shows a variety of intentions and purposes, although they may not be clearly 
4.I There may be uneven levels of accomplishment among the works, but overall the work is of 
good breadth and quality.